Vespa Antique Club (VAC) of Indonesia was established on October 28, 1993 in Bandung, West Java. Initially, the VAC Indonesia is the dream of many members who previously joined in West Java VAC initiated by Drs. Solehudin with NRA 001, Drs. Rahmat Acep SH with NRA 002, Franky Rahmat with NRA 007, Dodo Suhendar with the NRA 00. and dozens of other VAC members.
With all the limitations and love of motorcycles are now less, the VAC Indonesia initiate any activities that are positive. Not just touring to various cities across Indonesia, but also social activities like social service. In short, Indonesia VAC is an organization that is not a negative connotation such as motorcycle clubs other.
VAC now is predicted having about 5000 members in throughout Indonesia.
2. Scooter Owners Group (SOG)
Starting from a desire to establish an automobile club that specializes to the scooter type vehicle, it began in late January 1995 to the end of February 1995, 10 (Ten), founder of the SOG that most people living on the street Nangkasuni Bandung, plans to establish a club automotive scooter that initially only by hanging out together and met frequently until finally tercetuslah name Vespa Owners Club (VOC) as the name of a newborn automobile club to take part in the automotive world in Bandung.
Travel made from time to time by distributing brochures and invitations to join in order to find members, the ten founders continue to evaluate in order to search for forms of organization that can continue to grow and not rest jagung.Maka after the discussion that produced the consideration that name to be changed on the grounds that name "Vespa" is a brand product when using only brand name "Vespa" who can join, while other brands such as lambretta, JLo, Sundapp, Bajaj and other brands of scooters manifold can not be done to create this bergabung.Hal a large organization and to design rules that will dituankan in the form of Statutes and Bylaws so that in implementing these rules are not contradictory and inconsistent both problems the club name or form lainnya.Sehingga rule did not last long after the name "Vespa" is replaced with the name "Scooter" (taken from Type), then the club again changed its name to "Scooter Owners Club (SOC)" Bandung.
But not until there alone, the club's name changed back to Scooter Owners Group abbreviated SOG. This is the suggestion of one adviser who claimed that the name "Group" is a name that can make the organization even more than the name "Club", as well as the HOG (Harley Owners Group) who have basic mendunia.Sehingga why did the change of name and is expected to be in accordance with the ideals of its founders in its development SOG can also be like HOG so ..!!! development and performance improvement SOG in that year (1995) pretty much get a good response from the entire community, especially the users of two-wheeled vehicle type scooter, so since it already has enough members but still around the area of Bandung and sekitarnya.Setelah considered quite a lot of Members and performance management SOG Bandung is ready to implement the organization, then in early March 1995 the founders and administrators are planning to inaugurate the SOG be Official club as an automobile club in the city of Bandung and sekitarnya.Hingga on March 18, 1995 which took place in Bandung, Scooter Owners Group (SOG) was inaugurated and stand as a scooter club in Bandung and the date is stated as the date of establishment of Scooter Owners Group (SOG) Bandung.Dengan witnessed by local government officials and the Board of Police of the city of Bandung, the implementation of the inauguration was done by holding a dedication ceremony and sacred Club was officially held in Bandung, and formalized Polwiltabes page directly by Kapolwiltabes Bandung and make Rolling Thunder / convoy vehicle in the major tourist sites Ciwidey South Bandung.
In its development at the time of Bandung SOG fast enough with frequency appears in both print and electronic media so that the positive impact of these developments the ever-growing quantity not only in Bandung area alone but have spread to areas outside of Bandung as Sukabumi, Jakarta, Subang, Garut, Sumedang and lainnya.Sampai region by the year 1998, after joining members residing in other areas outside the city of Bandung, on May 10, 1998 First National Conference held Scooter Owners Group (SOG) of Indonesia which is located at Hotel Provence Bandung, which in implementation of the General Assembly was scheduled several events such as the inauguration date of the establishment of Indonesia as the central SOG, SOG Indonesia Elections Chairman, Improvement of the bylaws, Inauguration bat logo SOG Indonesia, Bandung Raya becomes the Decision Region Branch and other areas became a branch of the SOG Indonesia.Sebagai effort to forward the ideals of the founders who expect SOG to be great and not only in Bandung area only in accordance with the development of SOG, then on May 10, 1998 was decided as the date formed SOG Indonesia as a center through which the other branches across the archipelago as well as make Bandung Kingdom as Branch which is the embryo formed in the hope SOG SOG Indonesia Bandung Raya a baro-meter for the branches of other Indonesian SOG.
As evidence of the hopes and ideals of the founders of the SOG, the SOG has spread throughout the archipelago and is registered in the British print media output that is "Scootering Magazine" (1996) as the biggest club in the world and has realized that implementing the plan as a club Go International . This is evidenced also by the merger of Singapore and SOG SOG SOG Indonesia Malaysia as Brothers.
Predictably, SOG has about 5000 members.
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